See Your Impact in Our 2022 Annual Report!

As our team reflects on the year, there are so many people and projects that we are proud to support. Yet, the biggest gift is our community! We are grateful for you—the dedicated environmental advocates, social activists, passionate philanthropists, and powerful leaders we get to stand alongside. Thank you for being in our circle.

We are proud to share Planet Women’s 2022 Annual Report with you. With your support, Planet Women:

  • Granted over a half million dollars directly to partner organizations to grow women’s leadership, amplify Indigenous voices, and support field projects in the Amazon, Congo, and Colorado River Basins.

  • Launched the 100 Women Pathway and the Regenerative Leadership Project, two personal growth programs that collectively brought together more than 110 environmental practitioners to create a new leadership paradigm.

  • Shared our platform and promoted cross-pollination and collective learning. We hosted seven events for 550 people, featuring innovators, scientists, and artists working in conservation, gender equity, and cultural transformation.

We hope that the stories in this report bring you joy and energy to continue the work! This report is interactive, so we recommend getting cozy and opening it on a computer or other device where you have space to watch videos and explore. Check out the report here.

Together, we can create a future that we all want to see!

As you look back at all that’s been accomplished this year, please help continue the momentum by making a secure donation below.

Your support uplifts women, families, and communities and helps safeguard the precious forests, waters and wildlife that keep Earth’s ecosystems in balance. Thank you so much!


A Good Ancestor: Kate Brown on Regenerative Leadership


Meet Rising Regenerative Leader Anahita Verahrami