A Good Ancestor: Kate Brown on Regenerative Leadership
Kate Brown. © Kate Brown.
Regenerative Leadership is a one-of-a-kind leadership training based on principles of decolonization and feminism. Within compassionate community, environmental practitioners learn to weave together their personal story, values and talents to bring positive change to their work, their life and the planet.
Kate Brown is the Executive Director of Global Island Partnership and a Board Member of Island Conservation. Kate enrolled in the Regenerative Leadership course this summer, and found such value in the program that she got up at 4:30am to attend the sessions from New Zealand. Below, she shares about her transformational experience in the Regenerative Leadership course.
"About three years ago, I moved home from Washington DC to Mt. Maunganui, New Zealand. In DC, I was a little quarantined from the reality of what Maori people in New Zealand experienced and continue to experience. I found myself angry a lot, often about historic injustices, loss of our land and mana. I still worked globally and I started to wonder how I could blend these two; how I could be a good ancestor for those that follow.
This led me to dipping my toe in the water of the Regenerative Leadership course, run by Planet Women, an organisation I engaged with and who I trust. I took the course, seeing such value that I got up to do it at 4:30 a.m., and have been transformed. I understand my anger and acknowledge it but don’t let it become disempowering. I have been able to look at both my work globally and my life in New Zealand in a new way and can see the threads of what I need to do to bring the best version of myself forward.
I found like-minded women from all walks of life who brought unique and fascinating perspectives and who were generous with their support and care. I began to understand how I’ve become the person I am and my pathway forward with all of the new understanding I developed. I really thank our amazing Regenerative Leadership leader, Dr. Liza, for creating a space of learning that aligns with our values. I strongly recommend that everyone take this course—you will be equally transformed!
Thank you to Kate for her words and leadership!