Ivana Yipoa Ambroisine Soma Badolo

Association de Gestion des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune de la Comoé-Léraba (AGEREF/CL) - Burkina Faso

I am Madame SOMA/BADOLO Ivana Yipoa Ambroisine, born in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, married and mother of two (2) children. I hold a degree in Chemistry-Biology obtained at the University of Ouagadougou in 2011, and a Masters in Environment, Water and Health obtained at the University of Lomé in Togo in 2013.

I am very interested in issues related to gender, social inclusion, empowerment of women and girls, climate change and the environment. In September 2017, I had the opportunity to join the Association Management of Natural Resources and Fauna of Comoé-Léraba (AGEREF/Cl) which is a structure which works mainly in the fields of the environment (conservation and protection of biodiversity; sustainable management of natural resources, the resilience of communities to climate change, environmental education, research and continuous monitoring of the environment; the promotion and enhancement of Non-timber Timber Forest Products, etc.), sustainable development and the promotion of peace and social cohesion .

Within this structure, I hold the position of Gender and Social Inclusion Officer where my main role is to defend the cause of vulnerable people, in particular women, young people and people with disabilities, not only in within the AGEREF/CL team but also in the communities where we operate. Also, I ensure the involvement of women and a good representation of them in the implementation of actions to conserve natural resources, to improve their living conditions and to consolidate their resilience to the effects of climate change.

Thus, as part of the implementation of certain projects, I ensured the animation, awareness, mobilization and capacity building of women and young people from the villages bordering the Classified Forest and Partial Reserve de la Faune de la Comoé-Léraba (FCRPF/CL) for which AGEREF/CL is the concession holder, so that they adopt good practices for the sustainable management of natural resources. I also provided training on topics related to gender, gender-based violence, advocacy and women's leadership for the benefit of women and young people and community and religious leaders.

In addition, still in my quest to integrate gender into environmental issues, I am a member of the association of environmental women of Burkina Faso where we carry out activities of reforestation, environmental education, promotion of sustainable waste management…

Thus, the Women's Leadership Circle program comes at the right time and represents a great opportunity for me in the pursuit of my career goals. Indeed, I expect a lot from this program, in particular the strengthening of my capacities in the field of gender and climate change, coaching and mentoring in order to be able to integrate networks of women leaders on the one hand, and above all to contribute to improving the living conditions of women in my community through their empowerment and the development of their leadership on the other hand.

Open to innovative ideas and passionate about my work, my hobbies are cinema and travel.

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