Sarah Scott

Kijani Pamoja - Tanzania

I have a background in marketing and communications but has heeded the inner voice calling to help people and the planet thrive together.  I am the founder and executive director of Kijani Pamoja (known as the Kilimanjaro Project).  at Kijani Pamoja we accelerate biodiversity and ecosystems restoration, working in partnership with communities to ensure a more just and better way of life. 

I am guided by my life's purpose - the build dynamic active partnerships for a more just green and beautiful world.   The restoration space is often filled with men, and I'm excited to join other women in environmental leadership to bring a feminine voice and be a part of a global community of women leaders. 

I am also the co-founder of the Art of Forests, a global alliance providing community, connections and learnings for land stewards in order to accelerate natural climate solutions.  We have grown to more than 180 members in 2 short years. 

We cannot face the climate crisis alone. We need solutions from grassroots communities, scientists, technology companies, governments and the private sector. We need to create new pathways to share knowledge and best practice to accelerate ecosystem restoration. Let's imagine together what these new models can look like, to create access to global networks, that unlock access to financial and human resources that enable scale of solutions for nature and her people.