Ougouemba Prammo Cyliandra

Blessed Action for Africa - Cameroon

I am Cyliandra born and raised in Cameroon. Since 2010 I have been the treasurer and financial accountant of Blessed Action for Africa (BAA).

‌However, along the way I developed a high interest in sustainable development goals which is the main purpose of Blessed Action for Africa and have taken part in many field work activities. I have enjoyed and worked as a member of BAA's team concerning climate changes by planting trees at several occasions, and participated in some environmental work such as plastic bottle recycling. By joining the women's leaders circle, I believe that I will learn more and build up my capacities as a woman leader which will awaken my creativity, improve my communication skills, my ability to exercise choice and take action in order to achieve my ambitions and zeal to eradicate poverty and create jobs in my area and also to fight climate.