Mokamanede Zoma Annita Pamela

Concertation Nationale des Organisations Paysannes – Central African Republic

I am Mrs. Mokamandede Zoma Annita Pamela born in Bangui, I am a single mother of one child. I did my graduate studies for the Brevet des Techniciens Supérieurs (BTS) in Chemistry and Quality Control in Benin and an engineering course in Abibjan which culminated with an engineering degree in Agribusiness. After my studies I worked for the FAO as a Marketing Consultant, in order to support producers to transform their products, and allow them to have added value and minimize losses.

In 2016, I had the opportunity to do a training in Food Safety Management organized by UNIDO in the Quality Infrastructure Program in Central Africa (PIQAC). At the end of the program, I now have the qualification of an auditor and consultant in Quality Management. This opened a door for me in an agri-food company as an auditor of their Food Safety Management System.

Anxious to showcase our local products, I started processing cassava-derived products in 2016, in 2019 I set up an establishment so I am the Managing Director in order to promote these products under the ZOKO brand. YA SIRI (ZYS).  Today, ZYS is constantly innovating in order to promote 'local consumption'

My motivation to join this circle of female leadership is for the opportunity I will have to share and receive certain experiences from other countries, to have contacts and openness to other markets. The best way to develop and implement activities and to network.