Mary Perpetua Kwakuyi

Goshen Global Vision - Ghana

Mary Perpetua Kwakuyi is the founder and Executive Director of Goshen Global Vision, a conservation and natural resources management non-governmental organization focusing on building capacities of women and youth in urban greenspace restoration, forest landscape restoration, cocoa agroforestry, skills development and climate-resilient agriculture, I have 24 years of experience in development practice.

I am driven by passion in restoration and agriculture and inspired by an ancient proverb, “we do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”.  As an agent of change in the restoration space, my organization as at the year 2022 have restored over 329,000 trees totally 14,043.2 hectares in Urban, Peri-urban and rural landscapes in the Western Region of Ghana.

I am excited to join women's leadership circle to share and learn from like-minded women in the restoration space. This would enable me to impact many especially women and the youth in society.