Amalao N. Maklwa Rayimon

MAPTO (Mouvement Alliance Paysanne du Togo) - Togo

Born in a village called Fazao in the Center West of Togo, in a village adjacent to a very large park rich in flora and fauna, I answer to the name of Amalao N. Maklwa Rayimon.

I have a degree in Chemistry Applied to the Environment. After this basic training, I embarked on training and internships in Monitoring Evaluation which allows me today to work as a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer within MAPTO. Lover of the environment and nature, I am also passionate about culture. So I also wear an entrepreneur's hat and I promote MakNature, an agency for tourism, discovery and preservation of natural and cultural heritage. And the MakFashion brand which promotes and markets traditional woven outfits and loincloths.

I joined the female leadership circle to learn and strengthen myself from my peers, as well as contribute to the achievement of the objectives of this project. I hope from this circle to learn values ​​that make me a model of a woman leader of impact, an educator especially in the field of the environment, but also in all the professional fields where I am involved. Also I want to be a model of a woman with a family life to match her professional life.