Julian Wanja

Mount Kenya Environmental Conservation - Kenya

Julian Wanja is a Project Manager at Mount Kenya Environmental Conservation where she has devoted her 7 years in serving the affairs of the organization.  Julian grew up immersed in nature at the slopes of Mount Kenya forest always passionate of environmental and devotes her life to preserving Nature. Worked for various organizations including Nairobi City council in Human resource departments, AAR insurance in claims and record managements and later AAR Beckmann trusts as a field technician in school greening projects in arid and semi-arid areas of Kajiado and Machakos. From there she Joined Mount Kenya Environmental conservation in 2016 to work as a project Manager where she brings a wealth of knowledge on nature conservation and livelihoods improvements projects targeting slopes of Mount Kenya.

Julian holds professional qualification in the field of project Managements from Kenya institute of Managements, Accounts from Kenya college of Accounting, Agroforestry knowledge from online distance learning course from Trees for the future, Peace keeping from United state institute of peace and landscape restoration from Yale school of Environment. longs to advance her career profession on Project managements and environmental science to help tackle various projects related to landscape restoration.

Loves engaging in nature work and connects people and inspires them to envision a positive future through environmental conservation efforts.