Fatoumata Guindo

Association de Soutien aux Initiatives Communautaires (ASIC) - Mali 

My name is Fatoumata GUINDO born in Gao. I hold a master's degree in Education Sciences from the Faculty of Letters, Languages, Arts and Human Sciences (FLASH) of the University of Bamako in 2008. Married and mother of 4 children. From 2009 to the present day, I have worked in the field on behalf of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as part of the implementation of development projects and programs relating to literacy, training and integration of women and young people in rural areas, gender mainstreaming and social inclusion in terms of grassroots economic, social and cultural development. I participated in several workshops and capacity building seminars in the areas of climate change, gender, women and youth entrepreneurship, sexual and reproductive health, the fight against gender-based violence (GBV). 

As an African and Malian woman, it is an honor for me to participate in this training session which gives me the opportunity to learn from others but also to share the realities that Malian women face specifically in relation to environmental issue and above all community management in our societies. I hope that with this experience I will be better equipped to better defend and better sensitize my sisters with regard to this problem. It is also an opportunity for me to learn different approaches to be able to make men understand the need to involve women in the management of environmental issues so that they fully play their roles and responsibilities. 

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