On Sunday, January 19, TEDxVail is bringing together 14 incredible women - visionary filmmakers, innovators, activists, nonprofit leaders and conservationists. This line-up includes Planet Women’s very own Janet Nguyen, SVP of 100 Women Pathway. These women are collectively reframing nature conservation and their stories offer critical ideas on ways to reframe the relationship between people and the planet.
You are invited to join this special TEDx event, which will take place online via a virtual platform. You’ll be able to watch all 14 women give their TED talk, as well as get the chance to interact with many of them live, and network with other guests.
DATE: Sunday, January 19
TIME: The event will take place twice to accommodate a global audience.
If you are located in Europe/Africa/Asia, your event will take place at 1:45pm Central Europe/2:45pm Central Africa/6:30pm Nepal Time.
If you are located in the Americas/Pacific Islands, your event will take place at 2pm Pacific/3pm Mountain/5pm Eastern. If you want to join a live discussion with Janet, please attend this event. Janet will be available for conversation 1 hour and 15 minutes after the event begins.
REGISTRATION: Once you register, you will get an email with a unique link. This link will allow you to access to the virtual platform on January 19 to join the gathering. Your registration grants you access to both sessions of the event, so please attend the one that works best for your timezone.