Women’s Leadership Circles Begin for Environmental Leaders in Africa

We held our first Women's Leadership Circle! 🎉 The Circles are part of our newly launched Center for Gender, Equity, and the Environment (CGEE). The CGEE’s first initiative is a partnership with One Tree Planted and World Resources Institute to support 100 non-profit organizations and businesses working to restore forest landscapes across Africa.

These efforts are part of the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative, known as AFR100, an enormous initiative that aims to restore 100 million hectares of land—including forests, mangroves, wetlands and grasslands—by 2030. AFR100 is an enormous opportunity to ensure that women are included at every level of landscape restoration.

The Women’s Leadership Circles are one of the CGEE’s first offerings. Each month, diverse leaders who are protecting forest, water and biodiversity health will gather for collective learning and support. At our first gathering, women leaders identified their highest priority needs. These needs included helping women have their voices heard in decision making, challenges related to women’s access and control over resources and practical tools to engage men as allies.

It's a gift to be among so many amazing women environmental leaders and we’re so excited about everything that’s POSSIBLE when we come together!

Learn more about the CGEE in our Annual Report here.

The first Women’s Leadership Circle in February 2023! © Planet Women.

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