Be Part of the Biodiversity Plan
Black-throated Mango hummingbird in Colombia. © Brenda Berry.
Happy International Biodiversity Day! Each year the United Nations sets a theme for the day, and the 2024 theme is "Be part of the Plan." The Plan is the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), also known as "The Biodiversity Plan," adopted by 196 countries in December 2022.
The Plan includes 23 targets to achieve by 2030 to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. The final target (Target 23) is Ensure Gender Equality and a Gender-Responsive Approach for Biodiversity Action.
Just by being part of Planet Women's community, you are part of the Plan.
Your support helps resource projects that are halting biodiversity loss and protecting nature—all while generating opportunities for local women.
Today, we want to spotlight our partnership with Women for Conservation, a grassroots organization based in Colombia that works with communities near high biodiversity hotspots, focusing on women's leadership.
Planet Women's first-ever grant was to Women for Conservation when we funded the expansion of the Tití Nature Reserve in 2020. This saved a key piece of land and prevented a mining operation from destroying forest habitat for the critically endangered Cotton-top Tamarin Monkey.
Cotton-top Tamarin Monkey (Critically Endangered). © Women for Conservation.
Through continued grant funding to Women for Conservation (W4C), Planet Women has invested in environmental education for women and youth living near remote nature reserves, training for women to become forest guards, and sexual health classes for rural communities. This ensures that women have the skills and resources to fulfill their aspirations and protect biodiversity.
Women for Conservation Executive Director Isabella Cortes Lara. © Women for Conservation.
W4C Executive Director Isabella Cortes Lara shares:
“The goal of W4C is to educate Colombians about the endemic species that surround them, and the unique ecosystems that are in danger of extinction. Conservation has to consider a holistic approach.
This means engaging with adults that may have a 5th grade education…There are many cases of displacement from conflict, which interrupted millions of people’s lives, especially in their education and career development.
Environmental education gives us the opportunity to ignite curiosity in the hearts of people, especially those who may have not had a childhood because of trauma. Working holistically means taking on various issues in the community at once, addressing the intersectionality of the issues affecting a territory to conserve nature effectively.”