Karl Morrison

Karl is the Senior Advisor for Landscape Development, Resilience, Gender and Inclusion at African Wildlife Foundation (AWF). Prior to AWF, Karl shaped Planet Women’s initial fieldwork strategy, with a special lens for gender equity and allyship. He has over 25 years of conservation field experience and began his career living in a small village in southern Africa, where he worked with local women to build a successful basketry business that provided sustainable income to more than 100 families. Since then, Karl has lived and worked in more than 15 countries in Africa. His experience, particularly in post-conflict areas, equips him with a unique set of expertise and insights into conservation, sustainable development and gender issues.

Before Planet Women, Karl was chief program officer at New Course for 10 years. He also worked at Conservation International as the director of Africa regional planning and managed landscape programs in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Karl has a master’s in development economics from Dalhousie University and a bachelor’s in economics from Queen’s University. Karl also works as a gender equity consultant with the Green Climate Fund, the multi-billion-dollar fund helping developing countries respond to the climate crisis.